The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

Repairing the Work of Coble Cutters '515155 State Man Cuts Son, THI NASHVIllt TINMfSSMM nyndiv Mt 55 2 Cables Slashed Shot by Ohio Pol ice CHICASO flNSi Fharpe those perccae because today yel iU be to take part ia a cf the calendar that occun onee every 31 years. and or.a day. Todav. voa see, can be written 5 5 55. Tr.e tha calendar l.nrd up so conveniently wae Apr.l 4.

TOLEDO." former L-- On.Thom.pson Lane I tng the boy's threat," ha eon- tinued. i 7 -W-v .1 1 were in ritiral condition at Pjver- staggered and said, Yo-: id hospitai here yesterday, the mad me do it." father i-h a etomarn cunshot' is under police guard at ond and the son with a slashed the He had ben bscj hroat. bv police aince last Fridav after I i Detective Capt Kdward Meeker allegedly his ife wit h' Ip'Onville rriDCpal tleCted aid Walter J. K.ll. slahed h.s; a piol.

She had previously asked TIPTON VI LLE, Tenn. The sen's throat wi'h his pocket-! that ha releaaed from his coun- Ijike Count hoard of r. rf j- '-i i-il i i Southern Bell Linemen Rush Repairs; Clement Calls in Officers TV 'Tii or1 company rrpairn en if a in'o worked swiftly lo rf pair lno hy a worK r. fWf in tunnel on Tr.ompson: 'maDISON. A guard yesterday a If hour nlan knife as police broke into a room ty jail eentenre.

has re-elected Jerry E.irns as rnn- ate lu-saay. after six years in service as a cipal of Tirtonvilie high school. Hill, who was released from county jail here April 7 after serving six months of a one-year sentence for assault and battery and threatening his wife, called his wife Tuesday saying he had two of their chlldnen and unless she would meet him in a downtown Toledo alley, he would kill them, officers said. Mrs. Hill railed police who chans Tutaday, night.

He trussed, but frightened the man away. JACKSON, Jlw. Two strikers were fined $-5 each for hitting a r.on-etriking female worker. BATON" r.OrOE. capital cf Ixmisiana molatd on alter t.y were cut ry vanaais.

W. T. Bradley, Southern Bell ttrict manager, a id the cable were apparently severed with an ax by men riding atop a truck. The cablet were strung about 15 feet frem th floor of tha tunnel. Cry-i lift toloflVlAr ini-lllri WM WW ft A m.

P0G FOOD aides for hour? veterda trailed her to the designated alley I II I lilt i nn iiiu.nru nm vh.nia'ler vandals ripped apatt wins iff A fftf G0t where she wa supposed to meet an uninentirien man wno wouia take her to her husband and rhll repair were finished. The tunnel1 tn TSr.T'',K is located two blocks vest of Nol-t pAPLCAH. An alarm rrsMl.e road. on wtal table, tr. i atomic eneicv plant Tudav Officer, Will Confer nlRht.

foiling eiasn- In an effort to stop vandalism dien. Walter Jr 8, and William, 6 "While driving around in the neighborhood, Mrs. Hill realized that her husbands brother lived tee i 1 in that vicinitv." Meeker said. She ay nil? uiiiki rtu'jniry' general and other law enforcement officials will meet here today at 3 m. told police who sent her home hile they went to Hill i orotners COVINGTON, 1.

-Two oinkera were arrested aa they prepared to climb telephone pule in the Honev swamp ana Tuesday right, the eheriff? reported. The men had wna cutters and rlimhinz -Staff photo by Joe nudia apartment. 'Better Get Away' without one cent cash Tr.e officials, inrluding representatives of tha FBI, the. Tenneer Bureau of Identification, and the Hate fire marshal's office, will A team of Southern Bell Telephone company repairmen work to restore service on two cables cut by vandals in the tunnel on Thompson lane, about two blocks west of Nolensville road. Hill yelled, "I know it You better get away from here or something Is going to happen, to the officers when they knocked on the door.

Rail Strike Shooting Versions Differ "As we crashed through the door, we saw Hill on the other aide of the room, holding his arm 1 around the neck of William. As of travel to and from Nashvil! at ffate expense. Gov. Frank Clement in calling the conference, of fered state patrol transportation facilities. Tha governor alto added $2,500, for information in tha shooting ef cables at Memphis Tuesday night, to rewards now totaling $57,500.

He hat set aside $100,000 from hie emergency fund for use at reward money in strike violence. Jn a telegram to local authorities, Clement said: ficers started toward him, he Just think! Hundreds of prernhima for your home, family, yourself yourt without cash for Rival Dog Food coupons! Rival is rich with Beef Variety Meats blended with liver and other important ingredients. Higher in body-building proteins than most canned dog foods! Feed Rival and gave the coupons for wonderful Free Premiums! tthfxd Food fccB faooM Qnjnfs ftto Good MoJtsp43 6oroitfy Socd slashed his son'a throat with his I. TV (Continued From Pag One) iig wound was described Iye. of 1R11 Kourtpenih ae, vaa free on 1 uori rmnd chained with wit li intent to commit mutder in Uie first degree, Braxton Brock.

Negio, diner of pocketknife. inflicting an eight inch cut," Meeker said. "We shot him in the stomach st the same time he was tut- "It is my desira and dMermina- 1 he ar from uhn dni tn eV Redelsheimer Suit tion that we make maximum use jhootinK as they roaieti lhi(uh rf our facilities and that we pool it he picket line, ix frer nn hon1 nur resources and conduct our Scheduled May 30 FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG Wra Hval frwMMii it 470, Jriv Ca M. J. Mrs.

Florence M. Redelsheimer's fraud suit against James T. Benn. whom she twice married and Investigation aa to he of maximum help to those, of you who have the duty of presenting the cases in couit And the dispute moved into Its S3rd day these reports came In from the nine-state strike area: Shelbyville, Tenn. Four men and women returned to their Jobs this week, leaving few employes etill on strike.

twice divorced, is scheduled for trial in chancery court May 30, it was announced yesterday. Showt hnJrdi of wondarfvl prsmivnii you con ordar by molt. Or you (on tlct your premium ot your Octooon Premium Diitributon Wharry Furniture Co, 211 Third N. Gl pmrMimt hitttr, nmkkn Si vol Caupoet wUi tovpam hvm Ortoooa taa Predwtl li (Am ni Tea lUa'l Inpereted Mdk aUiB aeM MUrs TUsr Wi Mrs. Redelsheimer is seeking recovery of two pieces of property she owned and which Benn sold Mornstown, Term.

Communica alleged that he persuaded her in February, 1953, in Miami, Fla tions Workers of America-CIO obtained an injunction againat non-striking workers, enjoining them from acts of violence. to sign the propertiea over to him with the understanding they would be held In trust. iiiS mi nut's. mtmU :timi.i',i,'it,,m,tA i 1 Lake Charles, La. Dismissal of citht striking employes on mis The properties are the Stonea- Staff photo by Jack Corn conduct charges brought the total throw apartments on Harding road and Lebanon road property Feed "Neworetvia" KIYAI CAT FOOD I Looks good-smelli good! Delights chooeiest catst Fresh ocean fish, liver, kidneys, choice cereals-natural vitamins! In 8 and 16 ot.

cans. Save Rival Cat Food lahls for FREE PREMIUMS. William Jerry Beard watches officers at they examine the shotgun which police tay he used in Dnnelson. ever the entire strike area to 117. Pell City, Ala.

A small repeater atatlon was dynamited early yes on a disorderly and offensive enn-durt 'haige. Brock, 25. of tilth i a mail handler. Tolite also arrested William Beard, Negro, "5, of 2T2'. Hydes Ferry pike, and chatted him with asfault with a fiteaim with Intent to kill.

He was in counly jail last night. Police Sgt. Robert Justice taid Beard held enraged pursuing pickets at bay with a shotgun after Brock and Lea had fled to a cafe at Eighteenth avenue and State street. Beard, who has no connection with the railroad or strike, was inside the cafe when Brock ran in and atked for help, Justice laid. Lee left immediately for home, wheie he was arrested yesterday When police arrived at the cafe Biork and Beard weie pointed out by pickets, said.

The shotgun, hidden by Beard when police aliens were heard, was found in his car parked nearby. Three Bridges Dynamited Three lailroad budges were dynamited, another was destroyed by fire, and a Florida man waa ar-tected yesterday In connection with tha burning of still another LAN trestln early Monday. A wooden bridge was dynamited Tuesday night between Ravenna and Harard, cutting off operations out of the Hazard coal field. A small dynamite charge was set off on a smaller trestle ia Harlan county, and a bridg on the mam line between Mobile and Montgomery, was destroyed by Mrs. Redelsheimer charged that the deeds ahe signed were either forgeries in their entirety or to ward off purtuert shortly after the shooting on Eleventh avenue, South at the Nashville terminal yards Tuesday night.

Patrolman Ed Clark looks at the weapon held by Patrolman Ken Rea-sonover. The gun was found in Beard's car near Eighteenth avenue, North and State ttreet. fraudulent alterations of deeds. Polhtt, LAN business in other strike activities: unnoticed, Ray agent, said. The smaller fire, both early yesterday.

FBI agents arrested R. D. Jnsey Holmes county. Via yesterday blasted LAN won an order for a temporary court injunction yesterday to restrain violence by strikers in the Hazard, area. Strikers were accused by nn a charge of setting fire to a 'crosses Martins Fork, four miles trestle near Bonifav, J-'la.

isouth of Harlan. And an LAN bridge spanning Discovered in Flames small creek In northern Breathitt IV St ill titi The Alabama bridge was discov of wounding employes by gunfire ered in flames by railroad em terday morning No one was in it and its equipment atrangely escaped damage. Memphis Seven local cables were damaged Tuesday night and early yesterday, temporarily knocking out hundreds of business and residential phones. Six of the cables were damaged by bullets Birmingham Dynamite heavily damaged a booster repeater station serving television and other heavy circuits. The Birmlngham-fhrffield toll line through north Alabama was slashed.

Albertville, Ala, Three persons were arrested during a demonstration in front of the exchange for damage to the building. Eggs, paint and rocks were thrown during the melee (doves. The 1.12 foot trestle could in a suit filed yesterday In circuit court. Defendant unions were charged with com not saved. Flames were report ieaturimfj ed to have halted LAN traffic north from Mobile.

mitting seven acts, ranging from the blocking of Rtrppts leading to railroad property to firing bullets county, and a switch south of Jackson, were damaged, reportedly by a Tha trestle was between Oak-dale and Atho! near the Breathitt-Lee county line and first reports said one end of the structure was damaged heavily. A 78 foot section ef the Ra. venna-Haiard bridge was reported destroyed, sufficient to wrerk a train if the damans had gna This was the third LAN (resile destroyed by fire in th Alabama area in little mors than a week. Fires also were found at two other OOOOMX-SAMPOT MC WTcX OT CLOTH bridges, but.

both were extinguished before they could do much damage. A OO-foot was burned April near Bluff Springs. OWENSBORO, Ky Liquid (ear on the main line between Floma- JL TS A. SUITS and SPORTSWEAR tiotc restocked with complete, fresh selections mm 606-608 Church Street into employes cars. An Injunction was also asked to restrain picketing.

LAN To Ask LAN will ask the V. rnurt of appeals. Cincinnati, tn make the Kentucky A Indiana terminal railroad interchange freight with the LAN. Notice of appeal was filed yesterday in federal court in Louisville, Ky. Last.

Thursday the KAI was instructed by federal Judga Henry L. Brooks to lift the embargo it had imposed April 24 on all carload shipments to and from the LA N. Three of the unions on strike against the LAN called a walkout against the KAI after the embargo was lifted. The walkout hogtied the KAI. Brooka canceled his order Monday and the strikers went back to work yesterday.

An official of the striking AFL Brotherhood of Boilermakers was fined $100 in Louisville and sentenced to HO days in jail for a picket line difiturhance. International representative Rene J. Humbert, Lafayette, Ind. also was placed under real estate bond for a year to keep the peace. His attorneys said they wnuld appeal the fine and coloT'Coordhtatcd ton, and JPensacola, Fla.

At Paris, vandals smeared red paint on the late model automobile of C. L. Finch, a visiting railroad employe from Cumberland City, Tuesday night, as it was parked In front of his hotel. Tha Central of Georgia railway intervened yesterday In a proceeding looking to merger of the NVASt.L and LAN. Central of C.eorgia told the interstate commerce commission it has for many years maintained joint rates with "the NCASt.L and continuously interchanges freight with that line at Chattanooga and Atlanta.

Central said it Is concerned that the merger proposal is carried out, its relationship to Chattanooga a freight traffic will be "in serious jeopardy." The petition atked the ICC, In event of approval of the merger, to impose a condition requiring continuation of existing operating and traffic relationship with Central. The courts came In for a lot of PALM BEACH SUITS if: I 3995 Roil Strike Moy End Today outs and LsHf rfVV YhS trousers fM (Continued From Page One) a meeting of law enforcement officials in the state to ducuv steps to curb strike violence, Clement said he would determine early today whether the meeting will be necessary. Earlier yesterday, Mitchell issued a statement to the press. "I hope that both parties are aware ef their duty to effect quickly a fair and equitable settlement of this dispute and thus discharge their grave responsibilities to restore normal transportation service as quickly as possible in the interests cf the public they are obligated ta serve," Mitchell said. Nerve War Reported smart, cool outfits secretary ef labor.

He has kept in touch with the mediation tervice, and in some cajes with the principals. "I understand that these parties in this strike bsve come very, very close together, and the prospects for settlement are bright indeed." Secretary Mitt hell told Clement in.i Wetherby Tuesday that he ould meet wirh principals in the dispute unless a settlement was reached Tuesday night said Mitchell telephoned lata etrijiy to advise him tiiat a settleir.rr.t was near. Governors Assured "Ciovernor Wethetbv and I have hern in touch with the, secretary of labor and he assures us that Ins opinion we an- facing the hope cf an almost, immediate settlement." Clement said. "I have no basis for assuring our citizen my tiling will happen in the next hours othets than the hope which has been held out by the of labor but I am de l.fihted that top level spokesmen now in, to promo! nn immediate ft'i'l ('unliable settlement. We can hope and piav that i will be a Clement said expects to return tn Nashviile by plane afternoon today.

lie has railed ainst Non-Strikers Ag A war of nerves against working employes of rail by Phillips Fashions roads has reached the point that ambulances are beins sent to their another PALM BEACH style-lender the Fashion-Fiver Suit with ccnt'astirg s'acfS to be worn 5 diHe'ent 5290 homes hy anonymous callers, it was learned yesterday. L. M. Hale, county patrol dispatcher, said tha calls also include reports of trouble on picket lines. Yesterday morning, he said, a caller reported a fight on Elysian Fields road.

County police and an ambulance were dispatched there, be said, but found nothing amiss. 1 Including the Extra Slick I for MOTHER She II Ice ejr sj o-ess rf ft Crvton Cg1- W.tb pe'lon-! red -at t-p pellon-lined skirt. Eao, C'ico Black, Bro-et. What You Should Know About FACE PIMPLES These disfiguring spots, affecting the surface layer of the skin, often result from a temporary, minor disturbance, or from incorrect cleansing. You ran relieve the itchy, burning soreness sd help your skin with an ointment whose medica-tion stays in active contact with pimply spots.

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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.