V. -V. THE DAILY INDEPENDENT HELENA, bAlUKUA MOKNINO, UClOJUEK 35, 1904. KORTH G01ST LIMITED IS 'REID UP IEU.0UID PRESSING HEEDS OF UNITED STATES IIAVY Meet Important Fa turoe of. tha An CUT tttt 1 Llquers-ClSars I Food for the Old Folios in ANHEUSER-BUSCrfS 7 titty ef formula ling "rah whMl would r-eoli la a sbawom type of boat eda(n4 yachting is tm.
ctMiniry. la all casve faVurebte answer were re-tl tac-opt that no dout. Was eg-prad about th International standard. Yale la IM Winner. Xw Tor.
Oct. 14. -Tala uniroralty waa awar4d tha (kMedltfUta track and (laid cbamtrtonahtp at a meeting of th ecutlva rommitt of the 1. A. A.
A. A. h-if b-r to-night. Tha iirntot lodged by Tat report again! A. Harwsrg.
13. wtui 9 9 Iran s-voml la the Jai yania and yarda Uvrlnta at tha Intsrcotlegtata athlatto inircetiun nel" b-d May at Hjrhl Tb gioaUflcatwri ef gbark It is a food In liquid form easily assimilated by the weakest stomach. Products appetite health and Vigor' approTO It. irmnUts it. Frepr4 aafp If Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assq Bf- Laute, A te fitmtmt Bwderstssr, MltktleW T(v vaast, Fals-Lasae.
Aahaeaaaw Kssart Fata aad kaqilalia. Head? SLCll0 Sick headache, nmoui headache, find headache, neuralgic headache, catanhal headache, headache Irora excitement, in (act, headache of all kinds are quickly and surely cured with DR MILES Pain Pills. Also all paint such as backache, neuralgia, tciatka, rheumatic paint, monthly paint, etc. "Dr. Miles' Faia Flits ar worth theft wvtf hf la gold.
says Mr. lx a-sacr, of Arksasas City, Kaa. "They esred. my wit of cbrwmc heads, a wlwa authiag stsa wauld." "Dr. ies' Pala Fills drlv away Rato ss il by magic.
I am never without supply, sad thisk sveryon should keep the bandy. On or tw pills taken appmaca of htadacb will prevent It every time." Mas. Jo tw-g Johnson, Chicago, III Through their ute thousands of people have been enabled to attend social and religious functions, travel, enjoy amutementt, wit comfort. At a preventative, when taken on the approach of a recurring attack, they are excellent. 014 by all Druggists, IS Dssss, 3S csals, Dr.
Mu Msdlcal Elkhart, Ind. UJ Il 4 tesysfe METH0DI8T MISSIONARY CONFERENCE CLOSES Bithop Thobum, of Indiana. Make th Final Address. Cleveland, nhki. (Vt, 24, The closing session of the fliat missionary contention of the Methodist Episcopal church was held to-ntght In Grwy'a armory, Three thousand people wr presln.
Hubert Fpeer, on of Ih sec- Doctors 1 All 7 a trswsea BlasX A Standard. tbm before, hut Very Mntlal for naval unew, Treating th commercial pct of th quetNiori, th rejnrt make th following Important statement: It Cmmrclal AaptcL it may regarded aa a rertalnty, xcpt whr unusual condition prevail, lb cot of nil for marin pur-riM- will generally grenler than that of coal. The emit may lea for venae la departing from th gulf and California port, but th rula will hold elsewhere. While the- question of ot should of secondary Import-am a In mlHlary mailer. It must be taken into lonaideratlon.
It Is the expense of transportation that will always prevent oil from being I fuel W'hlla It may put on th' tank very cheaply mrta Ilk Point rtahine. Its commercial valor will d-ternilmnj by coat of delivery at corn nwrrlat and rnarltirn (enters.1 It waa then shown that It must more expenalt and difficult to ator oil, than coal, and that I he fume arc dangerous In pln Ilk the email hunker and doulde-bottom apruea aliuard ahlp, w-here, betng heavy, they iicnnot ensily lie blown away. Hut In idle of these and other objection th heard ja "The bureau Isas no hesitation; bow-erer, In de luring In view of the reaulta ulrenly se urd by the liquid air fuel an Installation should he f-fe ted without delay on at least a third i-f the uein lent In and diatroyeia 1 'I he junior offlt era are very much interests I In the matter and If seteral b( fH-teqttlpped nrtTh i'll fuel (M.pil- iiiiie ii keen rltuliv will created' wbl'h will result In nn tin reuse In the I ffb Irncy of (tie torpedo ten I ftotllli i Hurl, -111 Installation ir jimvous Interest Ibe-ewne-t p. wuacM a (mnik-tltlou to be estubllsbed t'liTr? rurft th hoHt uulnir find iho Results at Morria Rack. Worth and BL Louie.
b'w York. Oct. Jt Morria park r- suits: Hurdlea Ulll and three quarter frig lx and Hardin wll tw thr RUver Twlat, Carrier Ftg-on. IS; a half furlonga-Ahiriln. mra, l.i amws Ik.
BehiiW. msl I. mor. Kxamlner. tm.
Wlihera mil Lord Ha-lg. Olcnwaler, Lux CaaU, I At Worth, f'hlcao. Ort. -Wi-rMi reaulta: Five furl.mgBd Swift Wing Ixwi-I, iutt. mile and a -Oil.
had Irma fhoue. Het Man. I at fur- bmga-My Hurprlae. kf-HI Uill atielly, Ill ix furiorgt. t'ulhtiert, 8t Minor, Fnleral.
1 1'. 'mile and 71 yard fail- bn. taowlln. ijH. mile and an eighth-King liarleyi-orn.
lu-aua. itaiute las I it. At 6t. Louia. St.
lenlls. Fair (irmm-l lx furlongs-l-atss l.nh Tenuy 1 f.t. (Ice and a hslf furlongs- Itrld-. Fvs Lisrllng ttrmk-r. I stx furionss -K.
mil Hltlnna, Hnital. 142', mile and a half even fur- u7HnU Vwiifnrn Hurt nn I nfly Hirrtthinorf At MempHli. Memphis. Tenn. 6 24 -ten rat.
fulled In his Attempt lower the world a murk of 1fv ht th trotiti hftrnfMn Thi hrortng one nrt rninl 1 lv nmJir hh! bn mrt nvd UK' m.it hint; jinil i hd half tNit imHFF-il tn A hout Hpprtnl wnt up from th hL irdj find tho nt quarter wuh tret. h.M.; Iatf i hf urird pnror on tint lfd krrnll and Vvaa roa i 1 ronton. Ott 24 The lawn Tetmea a-ja-clHilon ta endeatortng to emphasis th character of th game At recent meeting of the awocUttun In adlllon to adopting toe Ano-rh an sercir rule It waa agreed to admit six furelgn and colonial dh galea to the annual to h-M In Jul. The EngUmh I crrialnty nt ick to try (CkdaM from First fiM 1 The Registered MaL CTsrk C. W.
out refused to open the door until threatened with dynnamlts. Ones in th mail car, th robber went to work on tha rrgtstaced tuell pouch huh ha forced the (nsq la open. The packfa were banded "to him and with I he utmost coolnssa tha fsilow took a seat and opened lha Ural package and then another using hie gun to break them. There waa one p-iui'h front Cortland to Ft, Fa at, on from Tacoma to Washington, on from Tacoma to Chicago and one from Tacoma to New York. During all tha lima ha waa with his prisoner be kept up a running talk and Joked with tha crow over hla poor success In getting valuable plunder.
Two or three time ha a-p reseed regret at having been forced to kill the engineer, whom ha clamed as foolish for trying to resist. The robber dwlsrod: "If thero I anybody who wants to know who I am tell 'em Im th same fellow who held up th Southern tltr out at Portland lset fell. 0 ascription of tha Only a meager description of the daredevil has been obtained. He ta described as a small man. not over 5 feet 4 Imho In height, and weighing less than ISO pound.
He ws heavily masked and wore a peculiar shaped cap, which pulled down over his face neck. The only distinguishable. portion of bis clothing a pair of and as a pair overall of dark color. Bloodhound on th Trail. The bloodhounds from th stale penitentiary have been pul on Ihe trail Th Northern Partite to-day posted nolbes of rewards of JJ (WO for the oap-tmwnf the men deaj or elite.
Oitticrs t-llc. that outlaw are headed north and that capture will soon be rffinl-d. Old settlers howe.er, wholknotv the niint ry and Its inughncWj say there Is llltle Hkllhood of the men being caught In the mountain In Ihl si tlon of Ihe country as II Is a vfZrlt -iihle tjole In the wall an, I wild find thl klq- limb, red Thi train Is known ns the North Coast Limited and Is the flnest train on Ihe Northern 1h, Ifie system. laity to-night word from th seen of the hold-up snva Sheriff Prescott and his men hat fi oured th country about the si ne of the hold-up, but (ould gel no i lue and at though the day was spent hv t'nder Sheriff Dec and the trainer of the blood hound, they were unable to get the dogs started an the trail. Rheilff Present I arrived home Ihl evening leaving hi deputies still of the Presbyterian boil By tha time reached uhJrt Point Arona.
(h regular rail tri.t. Our Uvmg Leader. I th vessel waa In a had way and 4P" Th sddross was hv Hlshoil Uiu jUiwa-MlIIHI hla owner. Thobiirn. of Indiana.
Tt referred Brother of this rlty, of her the raising of the sum of fwoo.) It rendition. They sent otvlsra fr th night for mission work and said that Hrookly on hoe wsy br folh crg ta d) remained to -raise ihe wlhe, for um, of fvgijWv Th Mhisp raid i h- thought the Methodist Kplscop-d of lumber to take thila tn tow for Mils port Tbs Brooklyn' left Point Irena Thursday evening with hr tow, condition 1'levelund would supopri Ml tout her In the Indian field for a live jem" task Involving the expenditure of Jl.rsW Th 'church w- stimll to enter nin a re-I vlval of missionary work that would any similar work In Its hl-I lory Twelve thousand dollars wddl-j tloital w-a added to Ihe rnllonarv by to-day's suImk rlpllnn Bishop I Thoburn annoumed Ihsl a rerldenl of announcement was received with nlhif nil. and iht muih'r Itnrhllv rnia nnd artful iwlv of ih upon thi P.rt of nil conne.te.1 with the torpedo I 111 -r''b'blv h. to re tliyr the re ord next week Kuimn.irv I The leant', thr. puree an made to their working forces lly wny of encmir.iglng the Btlv.s ntes Htunllt.m wn two etrulght its nf oil further, the report point" out 1 In 2 UV, Jolm Me, Hive Hu-I he Iho siriiittirul dl-advnqtnges lh.it Also started ported today that large additions workman was decidedly problem to-day.
in 2 Ul flat It win nM thdt th ndl tlon th tr.nk on the lft afirrfhj a not autl-tfurtorv nud lnn laii Scranton Fa. Oct. 24. nloa In thla were The imagined a minus Superintendent The 2 12 trot, purse Rune, of tho Delaware Hudson commit ill'll won the thin! unit fourth no i tu IW iU4 Mm. won tii-1 Pny hl'h operates 20 plants, said heat in 2 rhise won (he flr-t'he did not know of a tdnglp "Import nmlnliln reserve supplos of the liquid hei.r tn -l up.
The lliuVntv two-xear-oM purse )n employ. Other 12 cot linger hnt f.innv glimmer in supei Intemknts said Very few re-two straight heats -time im, inalned. The few ninv prove so clous tn the use of the nivv viouhl not l- nn mutinied In Slime plants, whli lo conhl ensllv1 fui I Flnnriy, Nttrnm liitr up the rr-sult of tl lmtrtfint hhnre kjm rimofitu mafl In iiMhlncrtnn, th port tofkrludk imainea. i nc rew "Importa still re THE SECRET ALLIANCE OF COLOMBIA AND CHILI News of It Racaivad With Satisfaction at Panama. Panama.
Vt. 24 -The news whh It hn been published here of a secret G-llance between Colmnbtn and Oille has sear, hi tig. It thought Ihe outlaw I I produced much satisfaction In hiding In tho Rm-k Grek rnuntry nd Is making a feint of going north That portion nf Ihe country most favorable for a criminal to hid In. being almost Inaccessible AN INTERESTING THEORY th of ih 1m jinhjiM fol- Jnwi. Summary of the Result.
Tli (il inn hr In a very wt I fr tm tnn nner It Tlul Ih evnjtonitlve rfth lenry of nnuly My ktmt of nil poi pimml of tmlnia in prohihlv the fmm Whih th (iu ImoII may ilth In hv-1? at hot' It Hiifthur nn ihul sifter rt'Oiilmr the (UMtlilnl til Iimh prohstMv th mini cnlorlih tie lhe rude protlnri Thnf it niMflnn ntnni rnrtt'r tnn ftirretl nn a tlRree with oil an with ro.il 'M Tmt up thr pmrnt timw no 111 efTet in hnr fwwn nhow upon th holler, 'wThit thr f1rrnn aro fnvor oil nod (hrreforo nr Imprdlmrnt 1M lif 1 1 1 in thlM ronprf Ihitt the ur rffpilxlit for rom-hnMon hoiitf Ito heifer) )efor enfer. Inir fiiruio Hu tt linn wnult! the jMwlfh'Atlnn on thf ll pi oiflh Thui Urn nil nhnuM hntd io fh It 4'fMiht ht tomli'd root mulllv whip ultiR tn hlsrhnr pr ur rimm nl fintuireou thin lowrr preHlltn fM atomlln th nil. Thit unde i hfnv fonwd diift rondlllnuw, find purflttiUt ly Mtiim iit'd fho tw ml haft not vt found It tiihh' to prevent th nmok frtnu Ipoiiiinir from Ih Mm k. although news disconcerts the llbernl or revidu-1 would stipulated It I said that th ttonary element because If th I'oloni-j Minnesota cat will he taken up by th bhtn government acquired th ('till-1 4btted Flat circuit court In January, an cruiser rolomblu would then tie! -v-- tn vanquish Ihe revolutionary King Oecar In Court, gunboats i Stockholm. Ort, 24 -King Oscar hst Colonel Shuler, superintendent of the dth, nove of being sum-Panama Railroad company, who re-1 monad to appear In court In connection cently arrived on th Isihmus from with document belonging to the late New Tork, called yesterday ou General be In hi Perldmo and General Salaxar The posessslon.
Helgs, who was the daugh-conference la-tween tolonrl Khnler and tr of the dethroned king, Gustavus STEAM SCHOONER TOWED INTO TRISCQ HARBOR Vassal Abandoned fer a Tima, 'But Finally Bavad. Pan Francisco, IV t. 4 Th steam schooner Celia tn halng Broad tnte port by tha steamer Brooklyn. Tha Celta. left far th Bragg at nen laat Wd.
nday and met with heavy weather that her cargo ef redwood lumber Th uuatlv stiff gats thg waa hlW" log from the southeaft for ths pa two days put the steam at a groat disadvantage, for with their eorxee they were unable to rtaot th gsl Thq parting tvf th Una left ihe steamer at th mercy nf th wav, I The flooding of thr engine rant mad Is Impossible for the vessel tn help tiers If. And the Brooklyn wa forced for lime, to abandon Ihe Idea of gelling another tin fsst Th Fella's crew abandoned her and were picked up by the Brooklyn which afterwards eui reeded tn getting another line Off th Olia saving hr from destruction. Tha Margar Case. Si Paul, Oct 14 The attorney for lha state In th Minnesota suit against the rellroud merger have sent out noth ea that the first hearing of testimony before the refeie will lake place next Wednesday. Attorney General Dmlgtaa said to-day thaT In order to save lm and expense as muh as poslbte of tha testimony tuken In the government rase and also tn th Peter Power cas Adolphu JV died some yer ago Mr legate now demands ths delivery of papers arrived by King Osrer's father from Hlga, These papers re under-stud to be of an Interesting htstorbsl rhnractes tween the two countries, and to eon fer with the Chilean government regarding subsidy for a proposed line setamshlps to be established by Japan rwpltallute.
Why Sullen Acted. Madrid. Get. 14 A dlapalch roeetv-d here from Tangier. Morocco, eaye: Tb aultans vigorous action In dellnf with ih murder of Missionary Cooper wag due lo th discovery ef plot to murde 11 the European In Peg.
Thla plot would hv bn carried out by mob rislng.had the eutten shown any weaknege or hesitation. Fofla, Oct, 14 Michael Btavreff, alias Halju, was to-day found guilty of the murdr of x-Frmlr Rtambou toff, tn lH, and sentenced to be hang The eccuaed plead not guilty, Companion nf M. Btembouloff rifled that Btavreff fired tho shot. Excry WgMMlwMlM4 trot imJ JttiVfl khkiMf Spray 1 ewt vai-w BR, m4 gt, tHHBlMl vui tw Per eaJe by Paixwmi Drug twtoiiT put mm nue eu i CFriver P'lii jyMli A C(f Oofwrv4w iwiMini aiteeiwwiavw ttiutt WMax YlaurfeaU riu. tw iwk Colombian officers I sold hi been very pleasant an dlt would appear that the railroad company and government have mine to nn understanding and are now on verv good term.
nual Repert of Chief Engineer 00(9 W. Melville, THt UC OP Oil, At fuel DltCUttro AT LINOTH TH Mechtnltel ont Cemmerelel A pact of the lubjact Ac Presented In an Interesting Mnor Problem Tbet Mut OvereOme to Attain tocc'M. Vaahlngtmt. Ort. 24 The ennnai report to the ectiroiary oftM'nev'y of.
Knjlneer lo Chief Onorge Melville I of unusual In lord thl year. Mr. Melville says with the greatest frankness that th personnel art has proved to a failure aa It I administered ami declare that one half of the officer of the navy have yet to he ton-vlnr(J of th henoflta of arnalKama-tlon. To ne hi own worn In refer-, ring to the personnel art. It wax rat hra revolution than pro greaalon In naval development alien congress awn ted a law whereby the, naval offlrey of the" (Inn had In the fu turn to heeott.e a lighting engineer." Effect of the Law.
-Furopean expert der-lnn-d that either their own navle were not prop erly organised or that the tnlted 1 Rial had made a mlnltke from whh it would not recover for at leant 20 year. HUH Admiral Melville think! If the law were admlnlNtered with aj desire to make It a mirces. It would give the moat efficient navy In the world Soma of the He ak for a naval lutmtntnrr at Anuapolla ftir etpuilmehls liv the offl cer. tin nlao nek the clnbllhnent of poat graduate coutac In en glueei lug at The aadomy; the detail of a Junior lln officer pa imdetaiudy to engineer ollliera on ahott dutv. aneh Juiilor ofllieia to lie placed In that go of the mathlncry of torpedo boat and auxiliary i raft; that promotion tie Tiled line tiffh era who not take their turn at engineering work, that grad unte of teehnlcnl tollegea lie pci mil td a (hnme to ompeti for naval tommlaalon, that 10U additional warrant offhcia he appointed.
that naval training he hud at every natal atu tlon; that the pay of hollermen he In creaaed and that the name of the bureau of tcam englneera he changed to that of engineering and that It he given charge of all machinery on ship-board except that pertaining to the gun. Petroleum for fuel. The prnpoHcd line of petroh uni a a euhatllute for mal on shipboard la treated at length and In mull detail a In meet the Inmimciahle demanda a hate come to the naty departmcnl for aia-clal Information olitalnut ht the rnglneeiliig hoard rompotu-d of I. leu tenant ('ommnmhu Kdwatd Iath ami Haller. For month this hoard ha hecn working with big 2 tloo home power holler on the water front In Ihl tcatlng a multitude of oil burning dovhe and the gicntcat man nfacturlng toneern of the United Htatca and even abroad, hate been caking to learn the reimlt of the board'a work Following I an extract from the report on thl object An IntcIraU Problem.
'Th more thl question I Investl-gatad. the more Intricate seenw the problem, of guccensfutly Inatalllng an oil Pud appliance on board a battle-hip. tt ought to bo aucconsfully uaed on the torpedo boats, aa well aa upon auxiliary naval vessels that atoam be-Iwron regular port. For the army transport service. It might prove very dealrahle, alnee a gupply of oil could be maintained at the several calling porta.
In regard to the Installation on the large powered battle hlp and ar-Ptored cruisers there are three dlailnct feature which mut le considered, lit The mechanical, commercial and Structural, Regarded from two of theo Viewpoints tt aeem aa If It would he aome time before coaling hlp eeake to be an evolution upon the war ve-el. While both the naval and nice eantlle veela trvcre the ocean, there ia a wide difference In their con-etructlon aa welt aa In the nature of th duty performed and thla nmt he taken Into account In dralgnlng the motive plant." The Mechanical Feature, The first line of Inquiry by the beard vaa the engineering or mechankwl feature, Involving the pc*ntbtHiy of eucceMfut burning fitl for ateara pur-peee and It a Id thla problem nearing Mullen, it haa been found to atomlte th oil. tit cannot be completely gasified) Instead of using It without using tt with proeaure. Th air Hast should heated by w-me devise. If thl be done properly, the experiment have shown It wilt be po.
elbl to force a combustion of to th same extent of coah eomethln not Or. Lyon PSRfCCT icoUi Povucr II mzm TCIUT UXU1T. tJsei bf peer! cf re ft no ir. cut ta oyt a ci-utar of a coatary. make th point acor.
vard 3. Tat Hax- Endora Managar Frank. Mrmphi. Tenn. Oct.
S4 Th lo-l club th action ot Manager Frank In (q, giratn ca. Th telegram wa ent to geervtary Farrell to-day: -j. KarrelL aacretary. New York Th Memphis dub nore th counrn of ftiarlf Frank, and your action without n'k to him or ia Jn harmony with pat rondud." The telegram waa atgned by i E. i HuP-hlnaon.
aecretary-treaiiurrr of th dtemphl baaeball club. I International Lawn Tcnnl. fl Ike American cup In lit Sim and Fitzgerald. Xew Britain, tonn fa-t 2t. Arm Him land Wlllln Fllrgernld nf the hrt hoilnir rxbihtUtm vtr inen In thi nihl weighed In th rlniihlfi at V5 nundH ln th rlv rounds howd up ht- tr than htn opponent, hut ftrr th tnth round fltm brar! nn ami flnUhd jaronf TROOPS ARE NOT NEEDED IN THE SCRANTON FIELD Are AIo Satisfactory Around Wllkeibarre.
All of the region re- 1 aro those who have been honnlltifc in Sr ronton, who have been taken to nntbfiom work In tralna. After to-morrow night they will be put to tho well nigh impossible task of coriirlnK boarding houses In the mining towiiR In which they wqjk, as the coal companies will cut off the work trains Monday. TbK It la through, will he effot tivu In driving away these men a was doing awny with the commissary department In forcing out others who were being cared for within tho colllorlos stockRdo. Tho companies are not dismissing non-union men. but the most careful Inqitlty falls to dls'l-i-e a single Inst me nf strenuous effort on the pvrt of the company to force an Import' to remain In tho company'" employ The fait that the Import'd men' lave quit the en.il region." madt-possl-b'e th order of Governor Stone directing th.1t the soldiers be withdrawn as fast us the conditions would permit." Sheriff Si h.olt went to Wllkesharrc to-night nnrt told General Gobln that he ia satisfied to resume the responsibility of taking care of Lurknwanni lounty from now on The sheriff had had Interviews with coni company supei Intendenta and found that they were of the opinion that troops would not he need-d here liny longer.
SAUNDERS TESTIFIES IN THE MERGER CASE Effect of Purchase of Burlington on Coal Ratea. St. Paul, Oct. 24. Tho etstlmony of, B.
N. Saunders, president of the 1 Northwestern Fuel company, on he-' half of the defendant In the case of the; tnlted States va. the-orthern Seciirl-1 ties company waa taken before Special Examiner Ingersoll to-day. Mr. Saundert testimony waa mainly on the effect of the purchase of the Burlington by the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific on the shipment of coal- Tho saving to the consumer through this arrangement he estimates at 25 per cent, and he thinks It will result In the location of more Industries In thla region.
FRANK NORRIS. NOVELISJv, DYING IN SAN FRANCISCO Ha Racantly Underwent 0 pa rat I on for Appendicitis. San Fronclaco, Oct 2L Bulletin Morris, the novelist, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, wsa reported to be dying at midnight. It la believed that he can Hve but a few houra." Blacktag In Cuatar. (Special Tha Independent) Miles City.
Oct 24. Report from rancher on the south aide Indicate that there la considerable blackleg existing among carl ouOhat way. At least JJ heed are Agfmrted aa having fallen victims to the disease recently, and there are other of which the knowledge la not made public. Wolven also have (fade considerable trouble in some lo-calltlea on that side and or head fet victim among a coup! of herd Inc spring. Killed by Burglars, David Oty.
Oct. IL-tlarvey Ullle. aged shot la tha head and fatally wounded during tha night by burgara who bad entered hi housev Mr. 1.1 1 tie owned three bloodhounds. two of which were -poisoned Mat hlght.
previous to the shooting. Util the agent for a local grain company. ff CANDY CATHAtme. Coww ttypdC.CC boss ssM kbO. Bswws el the He Mss le sal eeowuwcj "tart as Japan and Chill.
H(n Frgnrtsco, Ck I. Fuji hohlma, commissioner from th Japan-claims government to Chll. Is In the city from Toklo to td tnve.llgats th prospect of trad be. Robber May Have Gone On With tha Train. (Special to Th, independent) Missoula.
Ort 21 Trainmaster Johnston, of the Northern Pacific, snd Sheriff Prescott, who returned to-night from liruinmnnil and the scene nf the hold-up of this morning, are firm In belief that the rubber will not be taken, at bast not In this set tlon Th officer are convinced that the robber, after leaving ra ort two mites from th wrecked train, made a detour hack to the eur be-oesth whkh be towed blmeelf. and rod off with lh train. Their theories are arrived at after spending the day wltti the bloodhounds and penitentiary gusnl put on the trull ut nn carl morning hour. Three times were the hounds scented from mask supposted to have been dls-innlcd by the fugitive, und aa many time did they return t- the railroad after making a dletum of a ndl circuit-ously. The dog and thrtr keeper arc kept at I'rummond to-night, hut llttl hope of yaod results Is anil.
Ipatcd llngtnecr Neill, who met death it th hands of the robber. one of th oldest engineers In pdnt of service on the Northern Pacific In Montan, having been connected In such capacity with th Rocky Mountain division for year home was In Missoula, and here he leaves wife and two children, one daughter and two sons Fireman liurrlll. of the train held up, returned to Missoula from Hulls to-night He av that Just before krnppllng with the roh tier. Kiiglm-ir Neill had kicked over snd extinguished the rsb lantern, and expected to find but on gun- tn the hands of the robber Instead the bandit had two lcallhre Colt stripped to ht wrists, the right hand bjjtq- used to firs a shot that went through (h stomach of the brave engineer, death resulting practically instantly. Rurrlll hid In the buahea near th engine an hour and ii minutes, waiting for the robber to depart.
able th th of a erty at jtn. coat of by snd nil fnn fd with the frrttx made up- in! ifTortrt to nrnv combuxtlnn Tha Uh cfbiiHtimptloiy nf Uquld fuel i imnot prnlmblv be fori-ed to -lor i had i 8ENAT0R HANNA STILL TALKING IN INDIANA Close Up and 8tarts Back for Canton, Indianapolis, CXt. 24. Senator Hanna, accompanied by Senator Fulrbank and Beveridge, put In twelve hour of bard campaigning In Indiana lo-dny. It oloat to midnight when the last meeting was addressed und the Ohio senator and Senator Fairbanks departed for Canton, (Hilo, where Kiev aie to attend meeting of the McKinley memoilal association to-morrow.
Senator Hamm was feeling very tired to-night from his hard two-day's work In Indiana, but said he had no doubt that lie would he able to finish his speaking campaign as plnnned. At South Bend late to-night Mr, Hanna hut collapsed again at the end of his address In the Auditorium and had to be assisted to the chair by Congressman A. Brick of Indianapolis who with Congressman Watson and Governor Purbln was among the spectators at that point. The tour today was through the manufacturing towns of the gaa belt and Included the Itles of, Marlon. Muncle, Hartford city.
Logunsport. Plymouth, Red Key, Portland and Kouth Bend At all these points the campaigners were greeted by grout crowds and much enthusiasm wws manifested. In the gas belt town Senator Hanna devoted his attention to the large numbers of laboring men In the crowd gathered at each place. MURDER OF BRUCE AND LEWIS BY THE CHINESE Report of tha Affair Received by Inland Mlaalon, I-ondon, Oct. 24.
Tho China Inland mission has received a report of the murders of two English missionaries, Bruce and Lewis, In August Isst, at Chen Chou Fu. In Ho Nan province, from a missionary who Investigated the crimes. The rioters posted placards urging the destruction of the chapel and the annihilation of the fop elgrera. Mr. Bruce sent a remonstrance tn the local magistrate, who proceeded to the mission accompanied by troops, but he was too late.
Mr. Bruce had been murdered when the magistrate arrived. Of persons arrested In connection with these crimes only two were beheaded. MANUFACTURERS TO MAKE WAR ON UNION LEGISLATION Will Maks a Fight Againaf tha Eight-Hour BUI. Chicago, Oct 24.
The Record Herald to-morrow will say: The National Association of Manufacturer! through circular letters being mailed to every manufacturer In this country, declares war on bill now In congress for which union labor Is responsible. 8tress Is laid on tha effort of union labor to secure tha paatage of an eight-hour bill In congress Recipients of these letters are asked to become members of tha Manufactup era association. The letters bear the signature of David II. Parry, of Indianapolis, president HANGED FOR MUR0ER OF MRS. GHOST FACED BEAR 'Walking Shield, a Reaabutf Indian, Fya tha Penalty.
Sioux Palis, 8. Oct. 24 Walking Shield, a Rosebud Indian, waa hanged hero to-day for tha murder of Mrs. Ghot Faced Bear, on tha Kosrbud Indian roarrvatton. May A IMS.
On tha way to tha gallows tha Indian Joked with tha marshals Tha murder-ad woman waa tha mother of tho girl wish whom Walking Shield wag ensm-orod and tha Indian killed her so sho would not In th way." Last night at sundown. Walking Rhleld sang a wertd death song as ta the custom of Indians about to die. Hurricane at Entre Rio. Bueno Ayr. Ort.
2L- A hurricane fcss wsot snr port Dtagunt. proctor Entro Rmss. Flfteea perrons wro kfflrd snd gussy Injured. A hoadryd houses wrw 0s(my4 44 e-verat ships wets sunk. Noyroya aad VHhro place were also damaged.
1 Quiet at Dunkirk. Dunkirk. Frsoee, Ort. 22 Th dark fcoewrw to-day fenullf dctdd by LBl vt to to resunt work. Th waa quiet to-dsy.
aa wesrahetmiBg fr tr.o having torso test hers hy th military aaUtoriUsm BkiiRon hh'r non th coihI nil ihin! i Jnf'crson wo, 10 trot, to Mn Hixhwo'xl In iln fit 2 ID itnrtFil 2 1 imt InR. to untcon Mrilt Oitwiirtl iiH't nrnatrnr tlHver In two might hrtiiM Time 2 17 2 t.S lHn Pauh to hrut worM imoImr rotorl I 1 20 2 til I run. Time 4 THE BASE BALL MAGNATES. National Association Expels Manager Frank, of Memphis, York. Ort.
24 -Th illnrval A-notUltim (f ILimdml to-diiy rx-prlhd rhnrlr Pnihk, nmnKr of th Mrmphl hanrhnll club 'It wax resolved that Strain. marmRir of thr Ta-(tirna luh. Lor hU ut tlon In rtfuMnji to itLMt hv th' nuindatt" o( I Ih tuition il hoard and in permitting hln If to hr iikfiI hv rhul Frank hr jnnalUd in th mini of itjn md mi until th tin Bhall paid Tho MrmphlH 1Hik anta Litton and Mintffrr MrThwkci. Lit of Uu Tt i onm lnh for hh at tlon In rfuliiR t. In thli tfie An noon a th lotion In runvtnlUm pasttd tin nlo rnluthn ii ttUxritn wan urn! to th ofllrtaN.d th Mi mphH luh InformlnR thorn that If tin did not xpi I Munaarr KranK from tin club th prottion rHntd to th clnh undi th imtlonM aRirrmcnt would withdrawn th a liitlon.
Th ituir-tmln took up Halar atnl farming ttirrt-tlon and dlxrurd tlunu at Uuxih It wan finally do tdd. howir to drr imn them matter until aft uiKn thmc matter until ftr a report bn mail by th national hoard Th rrtary of the national iimmocimiioh wan hrttrurtd that In th event of th P'twha of any plsyrc. Involving the N'nlbmal snd Am-rliun lengu.i on one side and a club nu-mta-r of thr national assorlitlon nn the other, the club making the deat mu-t promptly imtlfv the re tiirv and he "hall promulgate the nnine In the oftb Ini huUetln of the uaeiK'latl-vn KANSAS CITY HORSE SHOW. Lawton Whirling Prlnc Defeated by Llmettone Bell. Kansas tqty.
(Vt. 24-lefore the largest audience of the wee at the Kansas C'ltv horse show In Convention hall, the most notable feature was the drfet of glorious Whirling Flnre th great I chestnut high school mare, owned by Thom l.aeeon, of Boston, by Ime-stone Belle, the gray mare belonging to O. t. Woodward, of Kansas City. 1-tmestons Belle appear 4b time" In the spectsv-ulsr performance of Quo Vdls" at the Auditorium tlufftfr She wa ridden then by Mr.
Woodward, who look the part of Nero At Inst night's performance the mar waa rtdilen by Tom Bass who considered on of the best handler of high school saddler In the west. Intercolleglat Golf. Morris. N. Oct.
14. Eight of the best golfers In th country, for each record from rltih and national tournament. Played to-day at the Morria Country Golf club In the second match play round of the Individual championship ef the Intercollegiate Golf wsaoclallon. Rain began tn tall the first pair turned for home at the tenth tee Walter Egan, of Harvard. won from H.
Conklin, ef Princeton. by one up. The former had been three up with four to play but the IT! nee-ton Ian made a great fight at th finish. Th medal scot of each wa J4 II Hollins, of Harvard, beat J. W.
Baker, of Princeton, four up nd two to play. Th Harvard man wa In the lead from -4h, ft rot and could have cut hi cor sever strokes had he been poshed. Th medal wore was; Holltnp Baker TT. Th bve-hole not bring played H. B.
McFarland, of I'rtnceton. heat Percy Pvne. Princeton, two up and one to play. The Philadelphian played great came and fully deerrved hie honor. The medal wore wa McFarland Pyn 8.
Pvne last hole approximated. It. Chandler Egsu easily beat Campbell. stvep up and sty to go, Th medal acor wa Egaa TI. Campbell Th.
To RtviM Yachting Rule. New York. Ort. Th New Tork Tarht eluh has ndonted the report nf the committee appended In February last to PVM the prevent raring rote with reference to th prmirmal ot racing crofu Th principal change effected the Introduction of the factor nf butt dieptace-eaent with the factors nf length and salt are previously ronstdered. The fnr-wvuls, aa tt now stand twJl sa tot-lows: "U-uttll nutilrM hr equar root ef tall are divided by five time Cube p-ot dleptacwsnent fSrrctbwm with f-'ereacw to the of the verVms In til craft are given.
The v-wraahle of mewswfw-nv-li annowwrod that tt hp rorrev-oteled with deelgnec etd butV'Cs In Europe and Amerwan to Whom uuedibves were -Wrs-wed retell- to the a-1v tsaMUty of the esuhg chang 'ng its tales 4 I Colored Crook Caught. forced an entran Into the spartment the pair and found three large trunks full of supposed stolen property. In Clark's possession waa found complt burglar's outfit. Th prop, tsken from th trunk Is valued 11.000, and consists nf a large quantity of men' and women' new gloves, silks, fancy vests and Itn-Hldden tn the' lining of a fin over, waa belt filled with Jewelry, part which wa engraved with Initial Nearly DO pawn ttrkeat Issued hv Minneapolis and Chicago pawnbroker were found tn th po( ke( of th woman's Jacket. Million Dollar Contract Seattle.
Ort. 24. Th formal aroplanre of th Gray Harbor Jelly Major Mill. In charge of the government engineering work, marks th completion of a contract Involving Th Jelly hsa been thoroughly Inspected by Major MIR, with the result that not a single fault waa found with th work of the contractors. Th complete plan of th government engine look toward a further extension of th Jetty and It I believed that cortgroa will appropriate th amount to complete leh design.
The Metric System. London. Ort. 24. Colonel for rot ary fhamberUIn Informed an Inquirer today that he was In correspondence with the government of the colonies and the hoard of trade In regard to the possibility of introducing Ihe metric ayetem tn the empire, Shipment ef Ceel.
Fhimokln. Oct. JL Thirty thousand ton of coal were shipped from local colHeries to-day to Philadelphia and New Tork market end Lee additional men went to work here to-day. A few more non-union men resigned to-day and left. Kansas City.
Oct 24 -Charles Hark a negro mulatto woman to tie his wife have bron arrest- here on Information telegraphed from Minneapolis. Minn. The offti era great nn extent with stenm nn the ntnmlrlng nent when rompreSi-it nlr In nneit fur Ihln purpose Thl prohb-tv In due to the fart that the air ud for oenvprennlng pnrpoaea, after entering the furnnre aupptle otvgen for the I'omhunthm, white In the r-nae of steam the rntlffed vapor almplv dlaplarea air that needed to complete the T-Om-btintlon One of the mont Important ronclu-nhvn I that the trial ha shown that there I little nr no advantage observable In any particular form of hurner. MEETING OF THE FRIENDS HELD AT INDIANAPOLIS Standing Committee Are Appointed For th Yr. tndhtnnpoll, Oct.
14. At to-day" amnion the Friend meeting pa pern were rend on Tractlrnt Aspect of the Present Trend of I'ettglous Thought," liv t'hnrlc K. Tebbett. of California, and F.lwmal lalgo. Standing committee were gnonunoed to-ntght.
the following betng among th appointees; Kv angelical and church 'extension wotk Jesae Edward and tzvul F. ounds. Oregon; 1-evt Gregory and I.e- Harr. la-glslatUm Aaron Brad and Jess Edward. Oregon.
Education Fdwtn Mcfltewr, Oregon; Charles E. Tebbett, CVlIfomla. IMsvIpltnary provision Jesse Ed ward and Aaron M. Ilvwy, Oregon; Washington Itaalley and Levt Gregory. CaliCdrnla.
tbvard of foreign mission Laura E. Mint horn and Emma W. JltL Oregon: Mary Brown nd Ealher Smith, California. PITCHER WtGCS SIGNED BY THE CLEVELAND CLUB HaUna Wondr I Snapped Up foe Next Smmii. Ctevetand.
Ohbv, Ort. ft The Ctev. tend has ball club ha tnd ITtcher Wlg of th raclffc Northwest league, who pitched fte Helena, and with whL team trade a great record. B'cyel Factory Strik. Chicago, CVt IL The seven hundred employe of Morgwn tk TVYtght stnnk because the Arm refused to accept thete Jadrment to what Srargmea Should b4Jd o2T irtng the dull ew-wm of th year.
Tho company he) offered to nrbtrtst. TO-DAY I THE LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER. TO-DAY IS THE LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER. Substitute for Canteen. Washington, Oct.
2L Kecrotary Root to-day approved a preliminary plan for th expenditure of the appropriation of UOO.OOO Intended to provide substitute at military posts for the canteen which haa been abolished by legislation. Major French, of the quartermaater'e bureau, will be appointed by the board to complete the plana. The Intention is to provide reading rAoma, gymnaahim snd other amusem*nts for the soldier. Frirvchlasa at Manila. Washington, Ort.
14. The bureau t.f Insular affair of the war department ha received a dispatch fjom Governor Taft stating that a Fhlllpptne commission has passed an art Inviting bids for street railway, electric light and other franrblroe tn Manila, the hid to be opened March IS. 11 The bide will be advertised In thla country. Crown Brine of Slam. New Tork, Oct 24.
The rrown prince of Flam and hla eutte to-day visited a number of points of Interest tn the City, accompanied by J. Reynold ex-rotary of Mayor Ur. The party reached the stock exchange shortly before th dosing hour. To-night the prince waa th guest of -Mayor Low at a dinner at the Metropolitan club. I 11 Charts F.
W. Neelys Flene. Maoris. Oxl. 2L-Chr)e T.
W. Neely baa abandoned (Me plane to rt-lorn to Chha and will mike Manet bis home. He gaye that for thme at least he ha abandoned bis demand upon ths 1nJted Ftatoa gwseeament for th takes from him at the time of arrest TO-DAY IS THE LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER. cartottt HI Vt f-Mk-uefo, 4M) I Ut4 rDODfiESTKEDS WIlllRWirfMK e-koMrf w' UhB 0gbwiFwfotB tg 9r-m 1 4 4Ff UhB 0foriifotB foe i I wt. IHyMR Hr fAdeqhtkIfM hnttf, JrtwfoK RTUklMfofte ntPFB B4 irnmm BfF I fFRM.miltiS.SsSSSiS?J FWMiiiKifo Cl k- Ue bf Jt 4 he Unfo rarwDMfotoef Um i Ik k-i Umum 9 4f 4 vfopew pfoPXfour'-ww" hBNtfowtteM ywfoe dff -to-Jea, ft 5 fBl ft foaeBwft 4 kX ait4 aiairtx tw, w.
a a mx ewi foiww PARCHEN BROTHERS DRUOGJfTB, HELENA, MONTANA 4 ok- pf 4 Bi wroaages-fi (RKfe irD nnA Iwdfie ivEiis Mi Craps Frirty vejrtitte. (a ereow-Uk LLM-LT5. LrcaUat kawa female irKC.LLW per bcrttlg. wa "4 I- pw ng. -4 Ini Viflfttif ftp we4 ikA rCR BALE BY PARCH EN CRUG CO..