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- Publication:
- Hickory Daily Recordi
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- 15
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7 I 4 THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 1970 HICKORY DAILY RECORD HICKORY MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT Mullinax WE "Jack" Ban Sr Capable Dependable Responsible Responsive House of Representatives VOTE or fWSiiWJ gr 1 Tl ten i i I KV rs3rBh I i I Wk ir llllllgl j8 1 MULLINAX and BASS "THE TEAM TO GET THINGS DONE" Paid Political Advertisem*nt Georgia Judge Tells Lawmen To Shoot 6 Kill In Kidnap VAWOSTA Go' (AP) A fleer in the circult to ehoot to was killed bv a bleat from a ranklin said he was in San Although corn grows as high as 20feet it is a form of grass and sometimes is called "giant grass" wm uueu uy uieuei irum a shotgun taped to his neck out side a San Rafael Calif court room Aug 7 he said Haley was abducted from bls courtroom in an escape attempt by a convict on triad and two convicts present to be wit nesses Haley the convict on trial one of the convict wit nesses and an accomplice who had brought him guns were killed in a shootout at a van out side N'rsnlrlln noir! ha wna in Qon Rafael shortly after the slaying and that ho and Haley had been mutual friends ranklin said he decided to is sue his instructions and to make them public as a means of "throwing the gauntlet down" to anyone with ideas of using him as a hostage "My thinking was that if you took away their shield they have anything to hide ranklin said "Also a matter of principle hate to have anyone use said he has dis cussed his order with DisL Atty George A Horkan of Moultrie and his fellow judge in the cir cuit Judge Marcus Calhoun of Thomasville and that both said "I agree with you 100 per fat satawaceta Aa kill? Judge Omer ranklin said in a recent charge to a Thomas County grand jury "If I get hit that is "the chance I am willing to take and so is the district said the 50 year old father of three a Superior Court judge since 1969 ormer Bar Proxy ranklin a former president of the Georgia State Bar said the matter had been on his mind since Judge Harold Haley judge from this South Georgia city declaring "I would rather die from the bullets than give fa to has ordered all law enforcement of ficers in his circuit to shoot any would be abductors on the spot if an attempt is ever made to kidnap him 4 "If I am ever taken' hostage or if this district attor ney is ever taken hostage I have instructed every police of USC Rapes Prompt rat Coed Escorts COLUMBIA SC (AP) Two recent rapes and an at tempted rape in the vicinity of the University of South Carolina have prompted a fraternity to announce plans for an escort service for coeds Members of the Alpha Phi Omega national service frater nity will begin Sunday operating an escort vehicle on two trips each night at 6:30 and 11 It will give coeds rides between residence halls at the edge of the downtown campus the library and other earnpus buildings Potential Disaster V' ref tve reeldeooeo were evacuated and several buildings were closed along 8 80 near West Monroe La Olis week when this gasoline transport overturned dumping some 8590 gallons along the ground and into the ditch shown above ire depart ment officials stood by for more than five hours until the wreckage was cleared The driver Glen Caldwell 36 of West Monroe was not injured (AP Wirephoto) BLIND GRADUATE DENVER Among grad uates receiving degrees at Re gis College was Meryl Ries of Denver who has been blind since birth His mother helped him by reading books and other documents on topes to which he listened for his class assign ments PAGE ITEEN Dei Chief Urges NC To Back Reform RALEIGH (AP) The gov ernor of Delaware says a reor ganization of state government similar to one proposed for North Carolina has already sav ed his state millions of dollars in only two months Gov Russell Peterson joined Gov Bob Scott Tuesday Maddox Attends Slain Policeman's uneral CORDELE Ga (AP) Gov Lester Maddox was among those attending the funeral Tuesday of a veteran Cordele policeman who 'was slain by a man be had arrested Police said Sgt Hiram Wat son 47 was shot four times in the neck and chest Sunday after he arrested a Negro on charges of selling copies of a Bla'ck Mus lim newspaper without a li cense A nationwide alert has been posted for Hugh Hillia Tennon 18 of Atlanta who police have charged with murder MODERN ETIQUETTE By ROBERTA LEE 54 year old Republican SAVE $70 NOW ON SETS DIAMONDS! SAVE ON A A CASH LAYAWAY Zi SPECIAL! I rtrrfrrrrrr Instant 1 1 USE YOUR CREDIT! 1 scientifically designed Sears Pedic foam latex or innerspring mattress LAYAWAY OR USE OUR EASY CREDIT! I REE GITS TO IRST 100 CUSTOMERS Set NEWTON PHONE 464 5111 ELECTRIC BREWMASTER INE CHINA! 7 WITH COBB DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY PRETTY DESIGN ALL DIAMONDS GREATLY REDUCED! BUY NOW OR CHRISTMAS waiting for months for and commissions to REGISTER DAILY OR OVER $30000 IN NO OBLIGATION TO BUY! in calling on Tar Heels to sup port the proposed reorganization of North government by approving a constitutional amendment Nov 3 no doubt about Peterson said "we have already demonstrated that we can save many millions of dollars and come to decisions promptly without boards The told a luncheon meeting of state officials that Delaware has sav ed at least 87 million since Aug 5 when its government was re duced from 140 separate agen cies to 10 eabinet level depart ments "Reorganization was by far the most Important step we have taken in decades in Peterson said But he caution ed "Be absolutely sure you suc ceed Don't let any partisan in terest get in your The 1969 General Assembly authorized the creation of a study commission to propose methods of cutting from 317 to no more than 25 the number of Independent state board and commissions in North Carolina A Diamond Solitaires! 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